Non-Dual Awakening Retreat in Stroud

Inspired by the profound teachings of Ramana Maharshi, St. Francis of Assisi, and Meister Eckhart, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the essence of non-duality, self-inquiry, and spiritual awakening.

Non-Dual Awakening Retreat in Stroud

This December, join us for a transformative 3-day retreat in Stroud, near Newcastle. Inspired by the profound teachings of Ramana Maharshi, St. Francis of Assisi, and Meister Eckhart, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the essence of non-duality, self-inquiry, and spiritual awakening.

Retreat Dates: December 1-3, 2024
Location: Stroud Monastery, Stroud, NSW (one hour from Newcastle)

Register your interest

What to Expect

In the serene and supportive environment of Stroud, we will explore:

  • Non-Dual Awakening: Dissolving the illusion of separation and experiencing the interconnectedness of all things, recognizing the true Self as the sole reality.

  • The Power of Surrender: Letting go of resistance and aligning with the flow of life, allowing grace to guide our every action.

  • The Illusion of Doership: Understanding that life unfolds through us, not by us, and realizing the non-volitional nature of existence.

  • Spontaneous Living: Embracing the present moment and living authentically, free from the constraints of the past and future.

  • Happiness as Your True Nature: Discovering the inherent joy and bliss that lies beyond external circumstances, rooted in the realization of the Self.

  • Divine or Universal Love: Opening your heart to the boundless love that permeates all existence, as taught by the great mystics.

Who Should Attend?

This retreat is ideal for those seeking:

  • A profound and genuine introduction to non-duality.

  • A supportive and sacred environment for deep self-discovery and spiritual exploration.

  • Authentic techniques to cultivate inner peace, wisdom, and well-being.

  • A deeper connection to their true nature and an experiential understanding of divine union.

Retreat Activities

  • Guided Meditations: Experience profound stillness and presence through guided sessions, facilitating a deep connection to the Self.

  • Interactive Workshops: Engage in immersive discussions and practices that deepen your understanding of non-duality, self-inquiry, and mystical spirituality.

  • Laying on of Hands: Experience healing and balance through gentle, restorative energy work, harmonizing the body and mind.

  • Attunement to Oneness: Participate in unique energetic sessions designed to facilitate spiritual awakening through hands-on energy sharing, gentle hand movements with light pressure, soothing music, mantras, sound, and softly spoken guided meditative words.

  • Non-Duality Satsang: Join gatherings for readings from classical texts or the words of sages, music, chanting, relaxed discussions, and enjoy chai and biscuits afterward.

  • Blessings from the Self: Recognize that blessings arise from the Self or The Totality, acknowledging the ever-present energy of Grace.

About David Rivers

David Rivers is a modern spiritual teacher, writer, artist, and father. In his early twenties, he experienced a sudden and profound spiritual awakening, revealing the fundamental ground of Being and igniting a powerful flow of subtle life energy known as Kundalini. This transformative experience marked the beginning of a journey filled with paradox, where bliss and pain co-exist in a harmonious dance between darkness and light.

Rooted in the teachings of his mentor, Master Charles Cannon, and inspired by Ramana Maharshi, St. Francis of Assisi, and Meister Eckhart, David’s approach emphasizes the experiential understanding of our true nature. His path is deeply aligned with the principles of Advaita Vedanta, Christian mysticism, and the non-dual wisdom of these great saints, focusing on the nature of consciousness, the illusion of the separate self, and the cultivation of inner peace and understanding.

How to Register

Limited spaces are available. To secure your spot and for more details, please contact us at or 0431722372.


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Phone: 0431722372

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